Case Study – Thin & Fractured Teeth
Thin & Fractured Teeth
Linda has noticed her teeth were becoming thinner and starting to fracture for the last few years. She was very interested in what could be done to enhance her smile.
Before any work is done, Dr. Suffoletta will take models and virtually create the ideal set up, so as to know exactly what can be done before any tool is ever taken to the patient’s teeth.
After Linda was able to look at the proposed mock up in her mouth, any changes can be made, so she knows exactly what she wants. Linda in this case, wanted a more square looking front teeth than the mock-up. So, we went back to work and made the necessary adjustments to give her the proper looking teeth she desired.
Below you will find before and after photos of the successful process.
Before & After
Being as minimally invasive as possible, it was clear with the mockup to make Linda happy needed 4 veneers with bleaching to enhance the rest of the teeth.
Immediately after placing veneers, the smile enhancement was completed.
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