Case Study – Lengthening & Veneers
Case Study - Smile Rehabilitation
Katie really disliked how small her teeth were, and how much gum tissue she showed when she smiled. Good thing with our Biolase erbium Yag laser, we are able to treat Katie in a single appointment.
What is Biolase erbium Yag laser?
It is a proprietary waterlase laser at 2780nm, the laser’s wavelength is meant to allow for up to 300% deeper penetration of the water molecules in the tissue. HydroPhotonics is what they call the photomechanical ablation process.
3D Printing & Mockup
For the patient such as yourself, the most important part to remembers is that it helps provide comfort with little to no pain. The laser helps with the removal of unwated or targeted problem areas in the tissue and it is both precise and speeds up the process.
For Katie, the improvement on her teeth allowed her to smile generously with the comfort and confidence she’s always wanted.