Same Day Dental Crowns is an answered prayer for a lot of busy individuals. Whether you have been given short notice to appear as a guest on a television show, or you need to look great for your next interview, same-day dental crown procedures can be a lifesaver. It allows you to go to a dentist’s office and walk out with your smile fully restored.
The obvious advantages of same-day CEREC® are time-saving and convenience. However, there are other advantages that have made this procedure very popular. Furthermore, there are also a few disadvantages to consider.
The following are some of the pros and cons of Same Day Dental Crown procedures:
Pros of Same-Day Dental Crowns
1. Restore the function of your teeth immediately
Your teeth affect your smile, how you talk, and your eating patterns. If you get temporary crowns while you wait for a dental laboratory to design the permanent crowns, you will have to be very careful when eating or talking. You even have to follow a very specific diet so that the temporary crown does not fall off. This is never the case with same-day crowns.
2. Prevents injury
With traditional crowns, you have to wear a temporary crown for a few days. Unfortunately, this temporary crown does not always fit in your mouth and can come loose. This often causes injury or other issues. Same-day CEREC® reduces the risk of injury by giving you a crown that fits in one visit. CEREC® crowns also require less drilling, saving most of your teeth.
3. Saves you money
Appointments and temporary crowns will cost money, even with insurance. By cutting your dentist’s visits by half and eliminating the need for temporary crowns, CEREC® crowns help you save money. Furthermore, for some people, fewer appointments and less time off work mean they get more opportunities to earn money.
4. Comfort
The temporary crowns you get with traditional procedures are made from resin, and they rarely ever fit. This makes them very uncomfortable. CEREC® crowns consist of ceramic and fit perfectly, making them very comfortable.
5. Preventing decay
Since temporary crowns sometimes come off, they make room for further decay of your tooth. This is never a problem with same-day CEREC® crowns.
Disadvantages of Same-Day Dental Crowns
1. Porcelain fused to metal crowns are stronger
CEREC® technology uses a block of ceramic to design your new crown. Traditional crowns can consist of porcelain, ceramic, metal, or porcelain fused to metal. A metal crown is strong, as is the combination of metal and porcelain.
Metals bonds better to the tooth. Therefore, traditional crowns are more resistant to fracture or wear and tear, making them more durable than CEREC® crowns.
2. Fractures below the gum line
The CEREC® camera does not capture the image properly if your tooth’s fracture extends below the gum line. Furthermore, if this is the case, a traditional crown will be a better fit.
In conclusion
If you are a very busy person, multiple visits to a dentist for a dental crown are the last thing you want. Same day CEREC® crowns make the process less complicated and a lot faster. However, the procedure has both advantages and disadvantages. Thus, it is important to discuss them with us before making a decision.